Homepage Lenguaventura, Language School Tarifa, Spain
Ferienlager in Spanien für Kids und Jugendliche


In Zusammenarbeit mit:
Hispalense, Spanish Courses
Spanish Language
School Hispalense
, Spanish courses in Spain

© Lenguaventura

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General Conditions

The English version of general conditions is binding

FIRST Programme Contract and acceptance of General Conditions

SECOND Cost, Enrolment and Payment Method

THIRD Exchange rate fluctuations and variations in cost of services provided

FOURTH Cancellation, non arrival and abandonment of the programme by the pupil

FIFTH Changes to the programme

SIXTH Obligatory rules, Customs and Traditions

SEVENTH Insurance and Medical Treatment

EIGHTH Technical Organisation of the programme

NINTH Protection of personal Information

TENTH The use of images of pupils

ELEVENTH Organisation of Adventure Activities

TWELFTH Personal Costs

THIRTEENTH Resolution of conflict

FIRST: Legal regulations applicable to the Lenguaventura Programme Contract and acceptance of General Conditions

The present contract is regulated by Spanish Law. The general conditions laid out in this document are regulated by the laws7/1998 of the 13th of April, concerning general Contract Conditions; 26/1984, of the 19th of July, General for Consumer and User Rights, modified by the law 44/2006, of the 29th of December; and by the Spanish Civil Code.

The following General Conditions form part of the Enrolment Contract, which the contracting parties sign as indication of their acceptance.

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SECOND: Cost, Enrolment and Payment Method

The cost of the programmes are those detailed in the following webpages:

Adventure 14-17
Kitesurfing 14-17
Windsurfing 14-17

These prices include the following services:
Accommodation on Campus with three meals per day. On excursion days the students will be given a packed lunch if lunch is not to be provided elsewhere.
Spanish or English language course, Admission test, course material, confirmation of course and progress information from the monitor and teacher.
Counselor - and tutor assistance
All activities and excursions as described in our web page.
Laundry service, once per week.
Internet connection.
Transportation from Málaga airport to Tarifa on the following dates: 30/06, 07/07, 14/07 and 21/07 and transportation from Tarifa to Málaga airport on the following dates: 07/07, 14/07, 21/07 and 28/07. For the cost of tranfers on other dates, please click here and consult the Transfers section
Transportation during excursions and entrance fees.
Civil responsability and Accident Insurance.

In order for the enrolment to be official the enrolment form from the internet must be completed, signed and sent to the company (Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L.) by fax, e-mail (scanned) or post. Once the signed enrolment form has been received the company will send to the parents and/or legal guardians the invoice. At the same time they receive the Guardianship consent form and the Kitesurf consent form (if the participant has chosen the Kitesurf camp) which must be signed and sent back to the company. The enrolment will be official once the downpayment of 650 Euros has been received. No enrolment will be accepted if it is not accompanied by the required deposit, which is a total of 650 Euros.

If the enrolment request is sent less than 45 days before the course start date, the total cost of the contracted course should be paid in one installment.

Once the signed enrolment form and the downpayment have been received the admission to the Lenguaventura programme is definitive. We will then issue the pupil's parents and/or guardians with the definitive confirmation and an information pack containing general information.

Enrolments are personal and non transferable.

The payment method for the course will be as follows:

A deposit, to be made when the enrolment is formalised, of 650 Euros.

The outstanding cost should be paid in full a minimum of four weeks prior to the start of the course, by the same means as the deposit.

Failure to pay by the due date will be understood as cancellation of the pupils participation in the contracted course.

If the enrolment is formalized less than 45 days prior to the course start date, the totality of the course cost should be paid in one payment.

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THIRD: Revision of prices due to exchange rate fluctuations and variations in cost of services provided

The prices of the programmes are always fixed in Euros (not in US dollars), any additional costs due to exchange rate fluctuation which occurs during the payment process, bank charges and any other commissions incurred related to the payment are the client's responsibility.

Prices published before the 1st of January of the year in which the course is due to take place are a guide only, due to the fact that they are calculated based on market conditions which existed during last years courses (house rental, excursion and activity costs, laundry prices, transportation costs, insurance policy costs etc.) However prices published will be definitive as from the 1st of January of the year in which the course is due to take place.

Therefore, pupils who have formalised their enrolment before the 1st of January of the year in which the course is due to take place will be notified, by the same method as the enrolment was made, of any variation in price. When the price variation is significative (more than 10% of the published price) the pupil will have the right to cancel participation in the course without penalisation, or accept the modification.

If eight days after the notification of the price modification the pupil has not communicated his intention to cancel his participation, it will be understood that the modification has been accepted.

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FOURTH: Cancellation, non arrival and abandonment of the programme by the pupil

If the pupil decides to cancel his participation in the course, regardless of the cause, this should be notified by the same means as the enrolment was made, at least 30 calendar days prior to the course start date. In this case Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L. will retain, as compensation for damages, 325 Euros.

If the cancellation is communicated between 29 and 16 calendar days prior to the course start date, Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L. will retain as compensation for damages 650 Euros.

If the cancellation is communicated 15 calendar days or less prior to the course start date, Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L. will retain the totality of the money paid, given that the company have then paid all course costs and the impossibility of newly offering the reserved place.

The non arrival of the pupil on the agreed arrival date to the destination (normally the airport) will be understood as cancellation of the contracted course, with the consequences outlined in the previous paragragh.

In the case of the pupil abandoning the course of his own free will (or in the case of minors, that of his parents or guardians) once ocurred it will equally be understood as cancellation of the course, with the consequences outlined in the previous two paragraphs.

The expulsion from the programme of any pupil, for the reasons outlined in the Conduct rules, sent with the enrolment contract, for the breach of the Lenguaventura programme rules, or due to personal circumstances (for example, physical or mental health problems) which interrupt co-existance or the proper development of the programme and which were not indicated by the pupils, parents and/or guardians at the time of enrolment, will not give the right to devolution of monies paid, and furthermore the cost of transportation to the airport, flight ticket and all other costs which may be generated during repatriation are the responsibility of the parents or guardians.

If Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L. had to cancel the course or programme, the pupils would have the right to compensation, following the same criteria and timetable which was outlined in the previous paragraphs for cancellation by pupils.

Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L. reserve the right to refuse entry, with justified cause, to any person who they do not deem appropriate to form part of the Lenguaventura programme.

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FIFTH: Changes to the programme

Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L. promises to facilitate the pupil access to all contracted services, all programme contents, and with the stated conditions and characteristics. However, the following exceptions should be taken into account:

1. If, before the programme starts, Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L has the necessity to significantly alter any essential elements of the contract they are obliged to inform the contracting party. The contracting party will have the right to cancel the contract without incurring any charges, or otherwise accept the modification.

2. The pupil should communicate his decision by the same means as the enrolment was made within three calendar days of the notification of the programme modification. If no notification is received within three days, it will be assumed that the modification has been accepted.

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SIXTH: Obligatory rules, Customs and Traditions

The pupil should adapt to the style of life and customs of Spain. The behaviour rules, customs and traditions, meals, timetables, distances and generally the Spanish life style tends to be very different to that of the country of origin.

The pupil agrees to respect the laws of the country of destination, the centres code of conduct and that of other organisations which collaborate with Lenguaventura in the programme. In particular, the pupil agrees to respect the rules concerning timetables, class assistance, conduct and co-existance, prohibition of consumption/acquirement/possession of tabacco, drugs, alcohol etc. In the general programme documents there is a detailed copy of the disciplinary rules and Code of Conduct. Should any pupil fail to comply with them Lenguaventura would have the right to take the measures which they consider appropriate, (as laid out in the Code of Conduct) such as inform parents or guardians of the pupil?s inappropriate behavior, prohibit the pupils participation in certain activities or excursions or even expel him from the programme. The corresponding costs for the anticipated return home are then his (the pupils) responsibility. WITHOUT THE RIGHT OF RETURN OF ANY MONIES PAID FOR THE PROGRAMME.

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SEVENTH: Insurance and Medical Tratment

All pupils are covered by a accident insurance policy (which includes medical assistance) and also a civil responsibility insurance policy which covers damage to third parties during their stay in the Lenguaventura programme. We recommend that pupils from the EEC, European Economic Community (Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway) and Switzerland, bring a copy of their E111 (or European sanitarian card) which covers European citizens in case of accidents. This document can be obtained from any Social Security office in the aforementioned countries.

The pupils will be covered by an accident and civil responsibility insurance policy as per the conditions of the policy taken out by Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L contracted in a first instance by Mapfre. See our coverage. If requested a copy of the policy will be sent to Parents/Guardians along with the programme documentation. Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L reserves the right to contract insurance with another company, the policy terms however will always be similar. Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L, acts merely as an intermediary between the Insurance Company and the pupil.

The pupil (not necessary for Spanish citizens) is required to present to Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L the receipt which proves that the policy offered by IATI (Internatonal Assistance Travel Insurance) which covers the pupil for repatriation in case of accident, death or failure to attend classes, has been contracted. It is possible to contract this policy via a link on the Lenguaventura web page, this link is offered only for the convenience of parents/guardians and Servicios Culturales y deportivos del Sur S.L. take no responsibility for it, they merely act as an intermediary. If parents and/or guardians decide not to take out the aforementioned insurance policy they must present Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L with a copy of any other insurance policy which having the same cover, has been taken out.

In the case of a pupil considered a minor needing medical treatment, being hospitalised, or operated on, without it being possible to previously inform his parents or guardians Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L has the authority to take the decisions which it deems necessary in relation to the pupil's health, always in accordance with the indications and recommendations given by the attending medical personnel.

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EIGHTH: Technical Organisation of the programme

The technical organization, responsibility and cost for the journey, from the point of origin to the airport where Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L is to collect the pupils and also the return journey from the return airport to the students home correspond exclusively to the parents and/or guardians.

Other journeys which form part of the programme are contracted through various Travel Agents whose addresses and telephone numbers are available to our clients.

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NINTH: Protection of personal Information

In accordance with the established in the Personal Data Protection Act 15/1999 (December), which refers to the protection of personal details, the pupil is informed that his personal details contained in the contract will form part of a database, which is the responsibility of Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L., and which will be used for commercial and operative purposes of Lenguaventura. The acceptation of these general conditions implies consent for the details to be used for these purposes. The pupil has the right to access, rectify, and cancel these details, as established by current Spanish law, via the offices of Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L., situated in Avenida Fuerzas Armadas 1, 11380 Tarifa, Cádiz - Spain

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TENTH: The use of images of pupils

Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L reserves the right to use in publicity material, including leaflets, websites and posters, the photographs and other material which the pupils facilitate to them, or which have been taken during the activities which form part of the programme. However the material may not be used in any way which would harm the pupil's honour, image or personal privacy.

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ELEVENTH: Organisation of Adventure Activities

In the present programme, Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L works with various companies specialized in adventure activities. They are the ones who are responsible for both the organization and development of the adventure sports specified in the programme. Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L. acts merely as an intermediary. A list of these companies is available to parents/guardians on request.

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TWELFTH: Personal Costs

Personal costs such as pocket money, souvenir buying, snacks, food outwith the three daily meals etc, which the pupil may wish, are not included in the programme price, unless otherwise stated.

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THIRTEENTH: Resolution of conflict

Any lawsuits which may arise form the application or fulfillment of this contract will be tried in Spanish courts, according to Spanish law. The interested parties will be bound by the decisions of the courts which correspond to the address of Servicios Culturales y Deportivos del Sur S.L. It is hereby declared the express renunciation of the participants, parents or guardians of the pupils and of Servicios Culturales y deportivos del Sur S.L. to pursue any other avenue or mechanism for the resolution of conflicts (government bodies, arbitration etc)

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Sommer Camps für Teens in Spanien

Diese Webseite wird ab 2019 nicht mehr aktualisiert. Besuchen Sie bitte unsere Lenguaventura Webseite, um immer die neuesten Informationen zu unseren Sommercamps in Tarifa zu erhalten.


A big thank you also for all the time and effort from the staff helping my daughter whilst in Tarifa, again she had a fantastic time and is already planning next years stay!

Please pass on my appreciation to all the team and a big thank you once again.

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Lenguaventura | Av. Fuerzas Armadas, 1 | E-11380 Tarifa | Tel: + 34 956 689 084 Cell phone/whatsapp: +34 607 275 090 skype:lenguaventuratarifa
Informationsformular oder Email email@lenguaventura.com
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