Homepage Lenguaventura, Language School Tarifa, Spain

En collaboration avec:
Hispalense, Spanish Courses
Spanish Language
School Hispalense
, Spanish courses in Spain

© Lenguaventura

Language level tests

Nom et prénom

Please read this text and answer afterwards the questions referring to it

"You're coming to Tarifa! It is known for fairly adventurous water-sports. You'll have a ball! The place is utterly special.

Of course, there aren't any skyscraper horizons to be seen here or excitingly urban attractions to immerse yourself in. But who cares?

There are wide open spaces, endlessly beautiful beaches, kites galore creating a skyline in movement. Who could ask for anything more?

You will feel an elated sense of happiness with the freedom of the open skies. You'll see Africa daily from this small place in Europe and find it a mind-boggling experience. You'll make friends from all over the place and enrich your sense of Life. Your vitality will be sharpened with all the fun you'll have. And with each and every moment you'll be learning from one another. And you're going to just love it all."


"It is known" is
a) Active b) Reported c) Passive


"utterly" is
a) Adverb b) Adjective c) Verb


"To immerse oneself in"
a) to swim in b) to take part in c) to put up with


"endlessly" is
a) Adjective b) Countable noun c) Adverb


"Daily" is
a) a newspaper b) everyday c) a surname


"mind-boggling" is
a) a present continuous b) noun c) adjective


"will be sharpened" is
a) passive b) conditional c) reported speech


"each and every" is
a) adjective b) determiner c) verb


"You'll be learning" is
a) past continuous b) present indicative c) future continuous


........"to just love it all" "JUST" is
a) recently b) soon c) simply

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Colonie de vacances pour des adolescents en Espagne

Ce site Web ne sera plus mis à jour à partir de 2019. Veuillez visiter s.v.p. notre page web Lenguaventura, pour avoir toujours les dernières informations sur nos camps d´été à Tarifa


A big thank you also for all the time and effort from the staff helping my daughter whilst in Tarifa, again she had a fantastic time and is already planning next years stay!

Please pass on my appreciation to all the team and a big thank you once again.

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SpainCamps     Links

Lenguaventura | Av. Fuerzas Armadas, 1 | E-11380 Tarifa | Tel: + 34 956 689 084 Cell phone/whatsapp: +34 607 275 090 skype:lenguaventuratarifa
lien:(infoform, Formulaire de renseignement) ou Email email@lenguaventura.com
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vacances espagne colonies colonie camps vacance sejour ete d'été d'ete camp ados adolescents adolescent 2011
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