Homepage Lenguaventura, Language School Tarifa, Spain
English and Spanish summer camps


En collaboration avec:
Hispalense, Spanish Courses
Spanish Language
School Hispalense
, Spanish courses in Spain

© Lenguaventura


Parents from former participants talk

Dear visitor of the Lenguaventura Website,

As you visit our site summer camps in Tarifa, Spain I guess that you are searching for a Camp for your daughter/son or you are a teen between 14 and 17 who want to have a happy summer holiday.

As you might have never heard before from the Lenguaventura organisation maybe you are unsure whether our program fits.

To a certain point we can be helpful providing you with information, talking to you by phone or giving you explanation by e-mail.

As we have some feedback from parents from former participants, I have selected some e-mails and publish them here on this page. As this is confidential information, I do not put names just the Initial letters and the country the former summer campers came from.

Best wishes,
Irene Weiss (Camp Director)

M.R.O. Spain
Ante todo, darles las gracias por la excelente organización, atención a los alumnos y a mi hija en concreto, por la calidad humana del staff y la calidad de las clases.

J.L.A. Spain
Deseábamos ya anteriormente habernos puesto en contacto contigo para agradecerte a ti y a toda la organización de Lenguaventura la estupenda estancia que le habéis procurado a nuestro hijo y al resto de sus compañeros. Estamos muy satisfechos con las dos semanas que ha permanecido nuestro hijo con vosotros, en primer lugar creemos que ha sido un gran empujón para que él se meta más de lleno con el inglés, como sabéis su nivel era muy bajo pero hemos notado que ha perdido el miedo a hablar y comunicarse. En segundo lugar la práctica del Kite le ha estimulado enormemente y ha descubierto nuevos deportes que le apasionan. Y en tercer lugar, nuestro hijo ha estado continuamente contándonos lo bien que lo ha pasado y el buen ambiente que había entre compañeros y monitores.Todo esto para nosotros es una gran satisfacción y por supuesto que para el año que viene haremos los planes pensando en que él vuelva a vuestra casa, y durante el curso tendrá clases de refuerzo para que vaya mejor preparado y pueda aprender y comunicarse mucho mejor.

K.B. France
Our son thoroughly enjoyed his time with you - it was perfect as it combined a first introduction to Spain with a new watersport which he loved. As he is quite shy I didn't think a total immersion experience in Spain was appropriate - Lenguaventura was great.

D.S. Switzerland
Notre fille nous a déjà raconté beaucoup sur le camp. Elle a vraiment passé un mois très enrichissant: elle a apprécié les leçons d'espagnol, les activités qui étaient organisé, ainsi que les périodes libres. Elle a trouvé des ami(e)s de différentes cultures et nationalités. Elle avait du plaisir à partager et interagir avec tout le personnel du camp, en particulier avec le professeur d'espagnol, les moniteurs et avec vous-même. En bref: elle a passé de très bons moments chez vous au camp. Moi-même, j'ai très apprécié votre disponibilité et votre accueil aimable par téléphone, durant toute la période du camp!

W.A. United States
Our daughter had the time of her life.Thanks for everything.

H.S.D, Abu Dhabi
Hi Irene. I was thrilled to receive your email. Please always keep in mind that I am always ready to help out. If any family would like to contact us and ask about your camp, then by all means have them do so and we are very happy to inform them that it'll be the best thing they can offer their kids. My son enjoyed every single minute with you and your friendly staff and he is ready to share his experience with whoever is willing to visit you.

T.R. España
Gracias por tu informacion. Nuestra hija tiene un super recuerdo de su estancia en Lenguaventura.

S.O., Africa
I would like to sincerely thank you for having taken such good care of our daughter and her friend! The girls came back from summer camp full of great energy and stories of all the fun and new experiences they had in Spain. We are most grateful for all your efforts and thank you for the dedication and commitment of you and your team of teachers; we would like to wish you all the very best for the future -- and that your school continues to go from strength to strength!

S.M.O., France
Notre fils est rentré ravi avec son ami. Ils se sont bien amusés. Il a trouvé des copains tres agréables et les cours intéressants .Je vous remercie pour votre acceuil et je pense que notre fils retournera à Tarifa l' année prochaine .

Merci à toute votre équipe et les deux vous ont trouvé trés sympathique.

D.F., China
Thank you so much for providing our son with an incredible experience this
summer. He seems to have learned a lot, improved his Spanish, and has a new
found independence! We were very happy with Lenguaventura and would have no
problem providing any references you may need.

A.L., Germany
Unserer Tochter hat das Camp sehr, sehr gut gefallen ! Gratulation und dank.

M.V., Italy
Our son is very happy of the experience of your summer camp. He enjoyed both the sport and the possibility of really using spanish and not just studying it.Furthermore if you would like I could give the email address to the school/spanish teacher for other students to come there .In fact there is already a friend of our son that might be coming next year.

M.R., Spain
Nuestra hija regresó emocionada por su estancia con vosotros en Tarifa.
Me ha pedido volver el año que viene porque han sido los mejores campamentos de su vida!
Ha sido una experiencia muy buena para ella.

We were discussing what we should do next summer and our son said he would like to go back to Tarifa :-)

Colonie de vacances pour des adolescents en Espagne

Ce site Web ne sera plus mis à jour à partir de 2019. Veuillez visiter s.v.p. notre page web Lenguaventura, pour avoir toujours les dernières informations sur nos camps d´été à Tarifa


A big thank you also for all the time and effort from the staff helping my daughter whilst in Tarifa, again she had a fantastic time and is already planning next years stay!

Please pass on my appreciation to all the team and a big thank you once again.

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SpainCamps     Links

Lenguaventura | Av. Fuerzas Armadas, 1 | E-11380 Tarifa | Tel: + 34 956 689 084 Cell phone/whatsapp: +34 607 275 090 skype:lenguaventuratarifa
lien:(infoform, Formulaire de renseignement) ou Email email@lenguaventura.com
Languages: en|de|it|es|ru|pt|tr
vacances espagne colonies colonie camps vacance sejour ete d'été d'ete camp ados adolescents adolescent 2011
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