Homepage Lenguaventura, Language School Tarifa, Spain
Colonia adolescenti

In collaborazione con:
Hispalense, Spanish Courses
Spanish Language
School Hispalense
, Spanish courses in Spain

© Lenguaventura


Hola a todos

On the 1st July we opened the doors from the Residence again for a new edition of Lenguaventura with 45 teens from all over the world and 6 counselors. This year we would like to show you a more advanced diary in our private Lenguaventura blog.

We need some time to get installed and start as we will form groups so that everyone participates actively in this experience. In this blog we will show you short videos about the daily routine in the teen summer camp and let you participate directly in our activities.

Now we have started with the blog. The first photos are set and more will follow. Next week we can hopefully start with the videos. Feel free to get in touch with your son/daughter or friends who are actually participating in our Lenguaventura summer camps in Tarifa. To enter into the right page please click here.

Campi estivi per ragazzi, Spagna

Questo sito web non sarà più aggiornato a partire dal 2019. Visita por favore il nostro sito web Lenguaventura, per ottenere sempre le ultime informazioni sui nostri campi estivi.


A big thank you also for all the time and effort from the staff helping my daughter whilst in Tarifa, again she had a fantastic time and is already planning next years stay!

Please pass on my appreciation to all the team and a big thank you once again.

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SpainCamps     Links

Lenguaventura | Av. Fuerzas Armadas, 1 | E-11380 Tarifa | Tel: + 34 956 689 084 Cell phone/whatsapp: +34 607 275 090 skype:lenguaventuratarifa
Scheda d'informazioni o Email email@lenguaventura.com
Languages: en|de|fr|es|ru|pt|tr
colonia per vacanza ragazzi adolescenti spagna soggiorno estivo estivi di centri vacanze colonie mare giovani campi
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